Christmas is over, and thankfully the supermarkets had them on special - over 70% off! SCORE!
Before we had a rotisserie, we would just cook the roast in the oven, with little to no preparation. Now when Phil does it, he puts the meat in a brine (which I had never heard of before). Basically the meat soaks overnight in a specially prepared liquid. This ensures the meat stays moist and is flavorsome. As you know, when cooking a Turkey, it is imperative it doesn't dry out.
Our before and after photos |
Phil brined the Turkey in a bucket (TURKEYS ARE HUGE!) for at least 24 hours. The bucket stayed in my fridge and it took up SO MUCH SPACE! I was very happy to have it out .....
It took about 3 hours to cook, but was totally worth the wait.
The meat was moist and extremely tasty. As the Turkey is so big, we had plenty of left over meat, which we used to make wraps the following night. And then used the carcass to make a stock.
Waste not, want not!
Here are the links for the recipes:
Spit Roast Turkey
Pickled Ginger Coleslaw
We were ridiculously full by the end of this meal, but it was so worth it!
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